Archive: Literature

Metaphore Play Poetry

Posts about Poetry written by Michael Dickel. He is an Israel based writer, editor, publisher and a teacher.

Urban Poetry

Linda J. Wolff is an Urban Pen spilling ink in inspiration and words. She's an author of poetry and romance short story books. She writes about the lessons and blessings of life and shares inspiration through poetry and quotes.

The Awl

Founded in 2002 by former editors of the defunct Gawker, The Awl's motto is to Be Less Stupid, a promise it has fulfilled with passionate writing about all manner of internet minutiae.


Oshane Levy is a Jamaican born poet living in the United States. On his site you can find his poetry works and information on his recently published book.

Flashlight City Blues DONE

Brice Maiurro is a poet out of Denver, Colorado. He has been posting his poems on Flashlight City Blues for years now and can be found performing his pieces at poetry open mics around town.


Rob Chavez lives in Alexandria, Virginia. He makes a living as a computer security engineer and likes classic rock music, dancing, films, writing poetry, studying metaphysics, quiet nights observing the heavens and smiling.