Archive: Books
Open Library DONE
Open Library is an online project intended to create one web page for every book ever published. The ultimate goal of the Open Library is to make all the published works of humankind available to everyone in the world.
A group of blogger are behind this book blog, namely Madalyn, Bee, Christy & Erica. On this blog site you will find them reviewing books of various genre. However, both Madalyn and Bee are big fan of Young Adult books.
Hidden in Pages
This is a book review blog by Karissa L Eckert that focuses on delivering reviews and news for fantasy books. Book genres reviewed include fantasy, young adult, urban fantasy, graphic novels, and occasionally something different.
Susan Heim On Writing
Susan M. Heim is an author and editor, specializing in parenting, multiples, Christian and women's issues. On her blog she talks about books, writing, reading, publishing, and more. Book reviews and giveaways are also featured.
The Windy Pages
Kimberly majored in Songwriting at Berklee College of Music & currently works in the music industry. When she's not listening to music, knitting or writing, you can find her outside reading her favorite genres, Young Adult, Adult Fiction, Mystery books.
Xpresso Book Tours
Xpresso Book Tours offers connections to hundreds of blogs and thousands of readers, which gives the opportunity to get those best fitted for author's tour and offer maximum exposure for the book.