Archive: Literature

Worldly Winds

Alexandra writes poetry, and occasionally adds links to her regular ramblings, as she stumbles through life's corridors of adventures and mishaps. Somewhere along the way, she hopes to entertain, inspire and maybe even provoke a thought or two.

Poetry Breakfast

Beginning March 20th, 2016 Poetry Breakfast will once again serve a little poetic nourishment every morning. Start your day with our new expanded menu. Poems, of course, are our specialty. But we will also be serving a fuller menu that includes poetry

Electric Literature

Electric Literature is a nonprofit digital publisher with the mission to make literature more exciting, relevant, and inclusive. In addition to the essays, criticism, and literary news on this site, you'll find weekly literary magazines.

Poems and Poetry

Original Contemporary Poetry about the Human Condition. Guy Farmer started this site to share his poetry with the world. It has gradually grown into a forum where thoughtful poets worldwide can showcase their work.

3AM Magazine

3AM Magazine is an online journal of radical literature and philosophy. Featuring literary criticism, fiction, poetry and interviews with writers, philosophers and intellectuals.

Literary Hub

Lit Hub is a central place for writers, publishers, books, bookstores, librarians, and readers to congregate and celebrate books and literary culture.