Archive: Beauty

A Beauty Junkie in London

Jen is based out of UK, London to be specific. She founded this blog back in 2009 as her creative outlet. On this blog she writes on everything related to beauty with odd bit of fashion and general life thrown in there too.

Missy Sue

Missy Sue has been sharing her passion for hair and beauty on this blog. She hopes to inspire her readers with her guide for eye-catching hairstyles, makeup tutorials and fashion tips.


Phyrra is an award-winning cruelty free beauty, alternative fashion, and lifestyle blog. The goal of this website is to empower everyone, embrace themselves that makes them unique, to feel inspired & to not feel pressured to look like everyone else.

Milly Naomi

This blog is written by Milly, a new mum and an obsessive cake baker and lipstick lover. Her blog first began due to her sheer love of makeup. Health and fitness is a large part of her life as well and something she is very passionate about.


It is a beauty blog by Mary. She is an UK based beauty blogger who loves to post about anything that has grabbed her interest realted beauty or style.

Cute Girls Hairstyles

Highly focused on Hairstyles, hair tips, styling information and tricks. Pretty much everything women and girls need to maintain beautiful hair.